The Vim text editor supports highly-configurable color schemes which build upon the editor’s rich syntax highlighting system. The stock Vim distribution includes a number of color schemes, and many more are available from the Vim Scripts repository.
Color scheme definitions are simply normal Vim scripts that live in the
directory of the Vim runtime hierarchy (see :help runtimepath
Color schemes are loaded using the :colorscheme
command. The scheme’s name
is determined by the filename of its script file (minus the .vim
For example, to load the stock blue color scheme (which is defined by the
:colorscheme blue
Creating a custom color scheme is quite easy. Start by creating a new Vim
script file in the colors/
directory based on the name of the new scheme.
Start the script with the following commands:
set background=dark
"or background=light
highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "example"
These commands will reset the syntax highlighting system to its default state.
Note that some color scheme scripts might prefer a light background, so that
first line should be changed accordingly. (highlight clear
uses the
background value, so background must be set first.)
The final line sets the global colors_name
variable to the scheme’s name
(example, in this example).
The rest of the script defines the color scheme itself. This is accomplished
primarily through the highlight
(or hi
) command. Each highlight
sets the colors for a single syntax group. Setting the colors for the
Comments group might look like this:
hi Comment ctermbg=black ctermfg=darkgrey guibg=#000000 guifg=#777777
To see the full list of Vim’s syntax groups (along with their current highlight settings), run the following command from within the editor:
:source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
Because the color scheme is simply a Vim script, you can conditionalize the
definitions based on various runtime values. The presence of the
feature indicates that the Vim GUI is running, for example:
if has('gui_running')
" GUI colors
" Non-GUI (terminal) colors
And the terminal’s color range – the number of available colors – can be
queried via the &t_Co
if &t_Co > 255
" More than 256 colors are available
Color scheme scripts can support basic configuration using global variables.
if exists("g:example_force_dark")
set background=dark
The user should set this variable in his .vimrc
file before loading the
color scheme script.
let g:example_force_dark = 1
colorscheme example
(Global variables can be “unset” using the unlet